Test R5 3400G vs 2400G

Your source for AMD APU´s and benchmarks

Test R5 3400G vs 2400G


We managed to get a Ryzen R5 3400G on the first days after launch and wanted to show you the results from our fist tests.

At first we start with our System:

16 GB / Corsair @ 2933
Asrock AB350 Pro 4
Crucial P1 500GB NVME
R5 3400G Vega @ 1400 mhz (stock)
R5 2400G Vega @ 1240 mhz (stock)
Win 10 / 1903
Radeon 19.6.2

Here are the results of the games we tested

GameSettings / Preset2400G avg. FPS / Score3400G avg. FPS / Score
Ashes of the Singularity GPU BatchLow - DX1230,6
Bioshock InfiniteUltra - DX115943
Cities Skylines
Low - DX111919
Deus Ex
Low - DX1225,827,8
Grid 2High - DX1176,3987,23
GTA 5Normal - DX116466
Metro 2033Low - DX115355
Shadow Of MordorLow - DX1134,4448,68
Shadow of the Tomb RaiderLow - DX122526
Sleeping DogsHigh - DX1131,235,3
Strange BrigadeLow - DX123841
Rainbow Six: SiegeMedium - DX1161,466,8
Unigine SuperpositionLow6269 - 46,9 FPS6620 - 49,52 FPS
Unigine ValleyBasic1910 - 45,7 FPS1986 - 47 FPS
Firestrike-3172 overall3422 overall
TimeSpy-1160 overall1299 overall
CPU-ZBench (S-single / M-Multi)431 S - 2307 M476 S - 2560 M
Cinebench R15-789879

We also tested the power consumption of the whole system. Those are not 100% accurate numbers and where measured „at the wall“.

R5 2400G
Gaming – 98w
GPU-Stress – 76w
CPU-Stress – 97w

R5 3400G
Gaming – 103w
GPU-Stress – 84w
CPU-Stress – 95w

We tested with an „ARCTIC Alpine 64 PLUS“ and a graphite-pad to archieve 100% reproducable results.
After some time to warm-up (10 min) there is only a small difference in temperature.
In CPU-stresstest and idle you wont notice much difference, but when you game you will have a lower temperature with the 3400G. Thanks to AMD they soldered the 3400G (2400G has a good Thermal paste) like the full Ryzen 3000 lineup.
2400G – 72°C / 3400G – 73°C
2400G – 27°C / 3400G – 27°C
2400G – 57°C / 3400G – 52°C

Conclusion/Final words:

If you are currently an owner of a 2400G APU, there is no real need to switch to the new 3400G. You can sometimes archieve the new FPS numbers with OC on your „old“ system.
With this refresh of the 2400G you will get around 8% more FPS for around 4% more power consumption.

If you are using an Asrock Deskmini A300 be careful with OC. When we overclocked our 3400G we easily managed to get around 125w+ powerdraw. This is way too much for the 120w PSU of the Deskmini.


2 Antworten

  1. Ender Deckard sagt:

    And playing Ultra-HD 4K with HDR and 24 fps, 48 fps and even 60 fps (The movie „Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk“ does that) ???
    These APUS can work with this specification?

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